
Noise can be a nuisance while listening to music. Not only that, it has been proven that noise can lead to various health issues like hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Active(Hybrid) Noise Cancellation (ANC) is a technique used to reduce noise by adding a second sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase to the original noise. This results in the cancellation of the original noise. This technique is used in headphones to reduce the noise from the surroundings but in practice headphones rely heavily on both active and passive noise cancellation to mitagate the issue of noise, but the attenuation due to passive noise cancellation can vary depending on how a person wears the headphones. In this project, we have implemented an easily hardware realisable ANC system keeping in mind the above mentioned issue using Simulink.

This was a project done as a course project in the course, Digital Signal Processing.